Deze werkvorm ondersteunt leerlingen om te reflecteren over concrete onderwerpen.
This method supports students to reflect about concrete topics (English version below)
Leerlingen reflecteren over een concreet onderwerp op een onderbouwde wijze. Herkenbare en soms evidente situaties worden het voorwerp van een diepgaande reflectie.
Deze werkvorm kan zowel face2face als online gebruikt worden.
Target group: Grade 7 and older students
Goal: Pupils reflect on a concrete subject in a well-founded manner. Recognisable and sometimes obvious situations become the object of in-depth reflection.
1: The pupil is introduced to the subject by means of a text, a film or another medium (possibly initial reactions are questioned or a number of general reflection questions are given to which they formulate an answer in phase 5)
2: The students are then given different cases with reflection questions attached.
3. The students note down the answers to the reflection questions for themselves.
4. The students exchange their answers in subgroups
5. Possible extension: pupils make a short summary and formulate answers to a number of general questions related to the topic.