Outdoor Learning: how to contribute to solve climate change issues from STEM point of view in the south of Spain

Participants will visit a region in the south of Spain to experience a full cycle of outdoor integrated STEM learning: they study the local climate and situation about water management, electricity use and production and plants first. Then they brainstorm about possible improvements in a given concrete situation (property) and explore the scientific background that is needed. They engineer (develop) a real and concrete installation that is part of the solution. They buy materials and build (the prototype of) the installation. They work collaboratively and reflect permanently about each step.
As inherent theoretical educational background, they learn about Inquiry Based Learning, integrated STEM education, working in Professional Learning Communities and how to map their professional learning by doing practitioners inquiry.
The region is chosen for its history, its specific problems with respect to climate change and to make sure participants move from their comfort zone to the learning zone.
Tutors are D. Sokolowska, an international expert on IBL learning, and experienced facilitator of PLC, and W. Peeters.

The fee for this course is € 500, which includes:
for the whole week (6 days), all meals included, including evening meals.

From Wednesday 19th of April (travel to Malaga) - course from April 20th until Monday April 24th; Tuesday April 25th 2023 - return travel. During the weekend cultural, touristic and educational trips are planned.

In case of interest or questions, please contact Wim Peeters (wim.peeters.int@gmail.com).

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