Opportunity to support Health and Safety in VET colleges

EfVET is looking for VET providers who would be interested in becoming the Ambassadors of Health and Safety at Work in their Schools!

As an Ambassador of OSH, you are expected to:

  • promote existing resources among your VET community to raise awareness for the importance of the topic
  • show case existing practices that you consider as good examples of promotion of health and safety at work.

The experience during the pilot phase of promoting OSH in VET was positive and the range of initiatives in different countries varied from campaigns at schools’ level, awareness raising events, promotion of the existing resources among trainers and students.

There is no rule on what should be done, and it will be up to you to decide what are the opportunities to “spread the word” on this topic.

Please do let us know if you are interested and willing to take on the role of Ambassador of OSH and if you have good practices to share widely among EFVET Membership.

DEADLINE: 9th of April 2021

Please read the document to check some background information you may consider useful. For more information, check the EU-OSHA website : https://osha.europa.eu/en

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