Building a school for all, internationaal project in samenwerking met EASPD

Professional Dialogue is a process which encourages peer learning and reflection by participants. During the final session of each day, participants will work in a fixed group to apply what they have learnt while designing their own ‘dream school.’ These dream schools will be presented by each group in the final session of the course. These sessions are an important part of the course for your understanding and application of the courses content, so your participation and attendance are compulsory.

EASPD’s Member Forum on Education

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Access to education and lifelong learning programmes in mainstream schools and other educational facilities are still far from being the reality for many pupils and learners with disabilities. This is often due to a shortage of qualified staff, a lack of appropriate accessible buildings, facilities/equipment and widespread and persistent prejudice about the skills and potential of persons with disabilities.

The European Association of Service providers for People with Disabilities (EASPD) however is convinced that the goal of inclusive education is real and achievable. A strong leadership from member states and European institutions must provide the legislative framework to encourage local and community actors to shift their attitude and approach towards inclusive settings.

EASPD launched the Member Forum on Education in 2004 to support the work of the organization in the field of education. Consisting of teachers, school staff, service providers, experts in the field of education and/or training, etc the Member Forum cooperates in projects dealing with education and follows-up the political developments in the field.

EASPD launched the Member Forum on Education in 2004 to support the work of the organization in the field of education. Consisting of teachers, school staff, service providers, experts in the field of education and/or training, etc the Member Forum cooperates in projects dealing with education and follows-up the political developments in the field.

Working alongside other important stakeholders the Member Forum uses its know-how and contacts to support the development of an open educational system in Europe. In particular the Member Forum and EASPD commit to:
o collaborate with networks of other vulnerable groups to present a stronger common position;
o contribute to a European policy position on inclusive learning, consistent with the obligations of the UNCRPD;
o provide information, models of good practices and support to member organisations;
o promote positive attitudes towards inclusion, diversity, partnership and network opportunities;
o organise and promote training for teachers, educators and other training professionals on inclusive education.
To find out more about the Member Forum on Education and the work that we do contact Rachel Vaughan at

Praktische informatie

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Naam van de cursus: Building a school for all.
Data: van maandagmorgen 15 november tot vrijdagmiddag 19  november 2021.
Vluchten naar Pristina kosten ongeveer €250
Locatie: Pristina, Kosovo (juiste adres wordt nog bezorgd)
Accommodatie: kan in het hotel van de cursus (ongeveer €70 per nacht) of naar keuze
Deelnameprijs (materiaal inbegrepen): €200
Voertaal: Engels

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